Family and Marriage

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The Best of All Husbands
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Winning the Heart of your Wife
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Winning the Heart of your Husband
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Polygamy in Islam
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Rights of the Spouses
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The Fiqh of Marriage in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah
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A Message Exclusively to the Husbands
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The Etiquette of Marriage and Wedding
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Attributes of the Righteous Wife
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Regulations of Worship during Menses
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50 Fatwas on Mahr
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The Legislated Divorce
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Newborn Baby Guide
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Now you are a Mother
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Raising Children in Light of the Quraan
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Nurturing Eeman in Children
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Child Education in Islam
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At Their Feet: Piety Towards Parents
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Kindness to Parents
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Dutifulness to Parents
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A Guide to Male-Female Interaction in Islam
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Closer Than A Garment
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Quest For Love And Mercy
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Our Precious Sprouts: Islamic Regulations for Newborns
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The Ingredients For A Happy Marriage
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Love Notes: Marriage and Family Life
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Polygamy: Wives Rather Than Girlfriends
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The Beauty of Plural Marriage
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Sexual Issues in Modern Era and Its Solutions in Islam
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Birth Prevention: An Islamic Perspective
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Advice On Establishing An Islamic Home
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The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations
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Governing Yourself & Your Family
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Encouraging Marriage & Discouraging Divorce
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Honouring Parents
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Sword Against Black Magic And Evil Magicians
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Sickness: Regulations & Exhortations
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The Final Bequest - The Islamic Will & Testament
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Funerals: Regulations & Exhortations
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Marriage is fardh and not just a Sunnah, al-Albaani
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Marriage and Qadar, al-Albaani
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Marriage: Fate or choice, al-Albaani
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Marriage, Castes and Compatibility, Ibn Baz
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Choosing a husband
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Choosing a wife
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Taking the woman’s opinion in marriage
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Should guardian scrutinise suitor or just trust in Allaah, al-Fawzaan
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Relatives are not allowed to reject a suitor, if a woman and her guardian accepted him
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Advising the children regarding choosing a spouse
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Making inquiries about the suitor before the engagement
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Making Istikharah before the engagement
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Telling the truth when being asked about a suitor
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Telling the suitor about the fiancee’s disease
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Informing the suitor about the woman’s psychological problems
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Informing a suitor about the woman’s womb disease
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Breaking off the engagement in case of necessity
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Breaking off the engagement
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Refusing a righteous suitor after making Istikharah
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Binding oneself to propose to a woman and changing one’s opinion thereafter
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Being confused regarding someone who proposed
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Should a woman break off the engagement if the suitor is not a practicing Muslim
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Proposing to an engaged woman
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Should a person proposing to an engaged woman make Kaffarah
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A woman agreeing to marry someone to whom her mother objects
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Woman not proposed to, Ibn Baz
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The marriage contract of two married non-Muslims who enter Islam
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Validity of marriage when the spouses enter Islam
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The wife hiding non-virginity due to an accident from the husband
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Validity of marriage to a woman who turns out to be not virgin
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Marriage of an impotent man
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Is it permissible for a sterile man to marry
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Marrying a sterile person
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A man hiding his sterility from his wife
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Marrying a woman without paying Mahr
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Is the groom responsible for meeting all the marriage requirements alone
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Registering everything the husband offers in a list
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And live with them in kindness, Ibn Uthaymeen
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And live with them in kindness
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Husband’s responsibilities
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How husband deals with differences between mother and wife, al-Albaani
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Does a wife have to serve her husband, al-Albaani
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Woman serving her husband, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Who has more right to be spent upon, wife or mother, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Poor treatment of one’s spouse, Ibn Baz
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How to appreciate your wife
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My wife or my mother, which one should I take for Hajj, al-Fawzaan
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Ruling on a Muslim woman remaining with a non-Muslim husband
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A Muslim woman remaining married to a non-Muslim husband
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A Muslim convert remaining with a non-Muslim husband
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Wife embracing Islam before her husband
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Someone entering Islam while married to women unlawful to marry
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State of wife in Paradise while husband in Fire
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If a woman did not have a husband from this world with her in paradise, Ibn Uthaymeen
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The engaged couple staying alone
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Khulwah for the engaged couple
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Khulwah with the fiancee
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Is it permissible to talk to ones fiancée over telephone, al-Albaani
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Repeated looks at the fiancee
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The fiancee uncovering her face in the presence of the suitor
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Kissing the fiancee
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Shaking hands with the fiancee
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Going out alone with the fiancee
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What is permissible for a man to see from his fiancee
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Do I have to tell my first wife I’m getting married again, Ibn Uthaymeen
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A man marrying another woman due to the unsuitability of the first
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Polygamy and rights of women in Islaam, Ibn Baz
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Wives preventing polygamy, al-Albaani
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Marrying second wife to compete with others, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Polygyny for the sake of enjoyment
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Woman requesting husband to take second wife, al-Fawzaan
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Ruling on disliking polygamy, Ibn Baz
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A husband whose wife had many suitors at the same time
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Husband is addicted to smoking, Ibn Baz
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Husband forcing a fiqh opinion on wife, al-Albaani
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Can husband take back gifts given to wife after divorcing her
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Turning a wife against her husband
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Interracial marriage in Islaam, Ibn Baz
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Is it lawful for a woman to propose to a man
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Leaving one’s fiancée for another man
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Refusing to marry a man who shaves, al-Fawzaan
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She married a Salafee then realised he was innovator, al-Albaani
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Misyaar marriage, al-Fawzaan
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Aqiqah and Walimah
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Wedding pictures, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Accepting a wedding invitation if the celebration includes any prohibitions
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Accepting provision from the father-in-law
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Intermixing of the sexes in Walimah
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Wearing engagement rings, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Women dancing and singing at weddings, al-Albaani
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Accepting wedding invitation
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A woman accepting wedding invitation
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Honeymoon should be continuous, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Till death do us part-an explanation of a hadeeth about marriage, al-Albaani
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A husband accepting help in paying for marriage costs
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Asking husband about his wife’s virginity
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Being Good to Women, al-Albaani
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Getting married with the intention of divorce, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Hastening marriage when it is affordable
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Helping someone marry without binding him or waiting for a compensation
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Husband’s in-laws giving him money
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Is it lawful for a wife who enters Islam to inform her husband
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Is it lawful to accept a wedding invitation when it involves a Munkar
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Lying to the fiancee
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Marrying a woman without knowing her
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Marrying One’s Step-Daughter, al-Albaani
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On marriage, al-Albaani
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Ruling on a man’s marriage against his father’s will
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Ruling on birth control, al-Albaani
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Ruling on Delaying Marriage
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Six months as the least duration for pregnancy
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The guardian’s responsibility towards the fiancee
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Things from happiness and wretched things, al-Albaani
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What should husband do on first night with wife
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Wife Sitting In Company of Her Husband and His Friends, al-Albaani
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Woman’s guardian forcing her into marriage, al-Albaani
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Woman’s marital aspirations, al-Albaani